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  1. Hash Dice Script with Switching High/ Low and different strategies based on Martingale Bankroll - 82 TRX Target 10% profit in one run - 10 TRX Start Base amount - 0.01 TRX. Payout Multiplier - 3 After each win, bet amount will be reset. strategy will be changed After each loss, bet amount will be doubled and switch high/low will be done based on strategy rule. Strategy 1 : high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high Strategy 2 : low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low Strategy 3 : low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low Strategy 4 : high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high Strategy 5 : high,low,low,high,high,low,high,low,low,high,high,low,high Strategy 6 : high,low,high,high,low,low,high,low,high,high,low,low,high **** There is no guarantee that you will win always. **** disclaimer - Don't consider this as regular earning system. In casino, house always win, sooner or later you will loose your money. Script might fail based on browser hang / page reload / network issue, in that case you might loose your money. DM for the demo video and script.
  2. Hash Dice Script with Switching High/ Low and different strategies based on Martingale Bankroll - 82 TRX Target 10% profit in one run - 10 TRX Start Base amount - 0.01 TRX. Payout Multiplier - 3 After each win, bet amount will be reset. strategy will be changed After each loss, bet amount will be doubled and switch high/low will be done based on strategy rule. Strategy 1 : high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high,high Strategy 2 : low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low Strategy 3 : low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low,low Strategy 4 : high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high,low,high Strategy 5 : high,low,low,high,high,low,high,low,low,high,high,low,high Strategy 6 : high,low,high,high,low,low,high,low,high,high,low,low,high **** There is no guarantee that you will win always. **** disclaimer - Don't consider this as regular earning system. In casino, house always win, sooner or later you will loose your money. Script might fail based on browser hang / page reload / network issue, in that case you might loose your money. DM for the demo video and script.
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