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Everything posted by Fruitblood

  1. Candy Boom 90.55x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IML71TOPGG0J Queen of the Sun 31x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IMLFQ74ZPES3 Happy Fish 164.55x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IMLPF36ADBTF Sun of Egypt 3 24.4x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IMMDRLX4GR9V
  2. 11x: https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GY8JHN5VBE37 100x: https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GY87Y0QV6IOJ 350x: https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GY8NLIFM7YTV Edit: 5.1x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10H7IIACRK02Z7 26x: https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10H7JY4F3W4QHF 30x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10H7J3DY8M7CWJ 63x (I didn't copy the link lmao) Bet Id: 57597817836798081 81.5x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10H7I0RWEW4AHF
  3. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GV7F9XFS6YVN https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GV7PWOJBH05V https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GV80WZR138CZ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GVFU1QQTKJRN
  4. I honestly didn't know this about Voltaire. I find it hilarious because all I knew of him was Candide. It's a great book, one of the only "classics" forced upon me in high school and college to make me genuinely laugh. It tackles both the inadequate nature of optimism and the uselessness of philosophical thinking. In one part an earthquake has candide being crushed by rubble and his companion Pangloss decides to help by considering why an earthquake might happen rather than assisting him out of the mess. Yet Voltaire manages to use this wit he has in real life to take action and game the systems he mocked in this book and find financial comfort to become a "great philosopher" and yet he spent only 3 days writing such a book. That's crazy thanks for the info, he might be one of the most interesting historical figures ever and I had no clue.
  5. Niobium/Mr_Art I hope you guys take pity on me I apparently left my info as a note on my phone when I thought I had uploaded it here to the forum I cant be too upset. I didn't have the funds to really compete but I was proud and would be super duper grateful if you still counted it for the participation pool. I feel dumb lol I noticed when I added a note and checked forums to see I never moved it over Showing it was accurate and not edited since that day, the 11th. I uploaded the sword one and forgot the Samurai one 130.38x Samurai: https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10G3M8E4LHYN83
  6. 50x multi win: https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10G2A7HP7W4DN7
  7. I legit cant find my old post right now if I ever did make it. Sorry this one is the most recent. Hit the Gold! - 84.2x Bet ID: 1725389764861461767 Tiger Jungle - 29.8007x Bet ID: 1725390414269364231
  8. I doubt I grind now that the games aren't individual but are combined. Thought I got first for johnny cash last time and nah I'm 6th overall. Sucks that you cant grind a game you enjoy for top prize and ignore others anymore Fruit Super Nova 60: 60.0072x Betting ID:1723091347009896711 Epic Gladiator: 75.115x Betting ID: 1723186180794098560
  9. Bonanza Billion Multi: 380.4x Betting ID: 1722940816015111431 Book of Cats Multi: 38.7x Betting ID: 1722964720822600832 Aloha King Elvis Multi: 28x Betting ID: 1722970503315497479 Fruit Million Multi: 44.7x Betting ID: 1722968674931138055 Johnny Cash Multi: 458x Betting ID. 1723011804978217735 Good luck yall
  10. Betting ID: 42520025906545177 It keeps adding my old win screenshots idk why lol sorry
  11. Wheel of Olympus (221.6x) Betting ID: 1717919592814838791 The spin below showing a 0x payout is for the identical bet amount.
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