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  1. Here's the hashdice script that ive been usingsl that i've been rather happy with so far, it uses minim bet amount and make sure to have a decent sized bankrol when you run this script. Goodluck and share some love out of rspllespect. var config = { scriptTitle: {label: '//////// Script by BeesH-RSA | UID 3198768 - Dont be an ass, share some love!\\\\\\\ ) ', type: 'title'}, baseBet: {label: 'Starting Bet:', value: 0.000055, type: 'number'}, baseBet: { label: 'Base Bet', value: currency.minAmount, type: 'number' }, startingChance: { label: 'Starting Chance', value: 0.01, type: 'number' }, } var chance = config.startingChance.value; var currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); var losecount = 0; var betcount = 0; var varix = 1.025; var previousBet = currentBet; var runningbalance = currency.amount; var originalbalance = currency.amount; var baseBet = config.baseBet.value; var currentBet = baseBet; function main () { game.onBet = function () { game.bet(currentBet, currentPayout).then(function(payout) { runningbalance -= currentBet; previousBet = currentBet; betcount += (1); if (payout > 1) { var netwin = currentBet * currentPayout; runningbalance += netwin; currentBet = baseBet; losecount = 0; chance = 0.1; varix = 1.025; } else { if (losecount >= 190) { varix = 1.05; } if (losecount >= 260) { varix = 1.066; } losecount += (1); currentBet = (previousBet * varix); chance += (0.01); } currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); if (betcount % 100 == 0) { logSummary(); } log.info('Betting: ' + currentBet.toFixed(7) + ' ' + ' X ' + ' ' + currentPayout.toFixed(2)); }); } } function logSummary() { var netNumber = runningbalance - originalbalance; var netPecentage = (netNumber / originalbalance) * 100; if (originalbalance < runningbalance) { log.success('Total Profit: ' + netNumber.toFixed(7) + '(' + netPecentage.toFixed(2) + '%)'); } else { log.error('Total Profit: ' + netNumber.toFixed(7) + '(' + netPecentage.toFixed(2) + '%)'); } }
  2. BCGAME Halloween 2022 (UID: 3198768) Here my contribution
  3. Screenshot image to post of BeesHanekom UID: 3198768 After succesfull coin swap is done the balance is not updated on the old coin, either refreshing or logging out reaolves this but no longer refreshes the balance automatically.
  4. Ive treid screenshottinv the bug I found but feels nearly impossibly but my device has a short flicker after every bet made that displays the exact numbers of the next round - making i5 easy to hit big almost every bet you place
  5. So what's the version of this script needed to be run?
  6. Cant seem to send you a message, followed you and awaiting shitcode please

    1. Czeski777
    2. windblade


      This guy was probably banned from the forum for scamming people for likes.  He always posted old shit codes.

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